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Spain Paperwork

Each participant traveling with a group should fill out the following paperwork: 



  • Waiver and Release (notarized)​

  • Group Leader Agreement (only for group leaders; one per group)

  • Doctor's Release - **optional and may or may not be filled out depending on your answers to the medical release.



  • Servant Life Medical Release 

  • Minor Travel Consent (if needed, see below)

  • Application


Below you will find all the necessary paperwork you will need to complete for your trip. Some items are required to be sent to our office, some items you will keep, and some are optional. Once you receive the paperwork from your group members, you can mail the needed items back to Servant Life at P.O. Box 36307, Birmingham, AL 35246. Paperwork is due by January 1 for Spring Break groups or March 1 for Summer groups to our office. If you register after those dates, we will work with you to get it in a timely manner.



  • Waiver & Release Form -This form must be notarized for ALL participants. A parent or guardian must sign this form for team members under 18.

  • Passport Copies - Please send TWO copies of each participants passport to our office address as listed above. If anyone does not have a passport, please have them apply for one as soon as possible and let us know an application has been sent off.

  • Group Leader Agreement - This form only needs to be filled out by the GROUP LEADER. (One per group.)

  • Doctor's Release Form - Fill out and signed by your doctor if necessary according to answers on the medical release form. The answers to the Medical Release (found below) will determine if the participant should have this form filled out. 







  • Medical Release Form - Please have each participant fill out this form which must be signed and notarized for ALL participants. A parent or guardian must also sign this form for team members under 18. Any immunizations needed should be started as soon as possible. Please consult the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website for recommended immunizations. Servant Life does NOT require any immunizations for trips, so we recommend you consult your local physician. This is solely up to the discretion of the participant.

    • This form should be kept in your posession and not sent to the Servant Life office as we do not require a copy of this. This form is to take with you on your trip. We will provide a binder for you in the Servant Life Trip Box to keep each form with you during your travels.

  • Minor Travel Consent Form - This form only needs to be filled out if you are serving on the trip as an INDIVIDUAL who is under 18 years old, and not part of a group. If you are traveling with your student group, this is not required.

  • Mission Trip Application - This is not mandatory, but Servant Life suggests each group has a vetting process in place for participants. We simply want to make sure that they have the appropriate attitude and understanding of this trip. This form is only to help if your church does not already have something in place for this purpose. This is also not required. 





About two to three weeks prior to your trip, Servant Life will mail you a Trip Box. This box will contain a t-shirt for every participant, a binder of paperwork for the group leader to take on the trip, as well as some other items. The binder will contain each participant's international traveler's insurance, a copy of each person's passport, as well as space for you to place each person's Medical Release form. This binder will have all of the information you might need in case of an emergency.



TO RECAP, each participant traveling with a group should fill out the following paperwork: 



  • Waiver and Release (notarized)

  • 2 Passport Copies

  • Group Leader Agreement

  • Doctor's Release - **optional and may or may not be filled out depending on your answers to the medical release.



  • Servant Life Medical Release 

  • Minor Travel Consent (if needed, see above)

  • Application

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