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Trip Information


Orlando, FL


Year round; spring break; fall break; and summer.

Sunday to Friday (but flexible).


Max group size of 100.


$399 per person (cost details)


Customizable service projects: kids ministry, landscaping, food pantry, soup kitchen, etc. Church outreach projects.


With tens of millions of people flocking to Disney World each year, it's easy to overlook that the city of Orlando is not a perfect utopia like the Disney resort. Like other major U.S. cities, Orlando is marked by poverty issues, including among the demographic of children under the age of 18. As such, Orlando not only represents a great destination for a family vacation, but a great opportunity for the church to show and share the love of Christ to those in need. Servant Life is excited to send short-term teams into Orlando for a week of ministry to help meet the needs of the community― to show the love of Christ with our actions, and to share the hope of the gospel with those who need to hear it!


What will my team be doing? 

Ministry opportunities in Orlando are multi-faceted and diverse, and your team will have an opportunity to shape your preferences as you interact in different service projects throughout the week. Your team can be part of ministry with local churches, helping invest in kids through after-school projects or other community outreach. You can also be a part of helping meet basic needs by working in food pantries and soup kitchens, helping others get access to the essentials they need. If you like working with your hands, you can be part of community development projects, helping with landscaping and working in nurseries to brighten up the community. There are also other opportunities to work directly with people, such as through children's homes, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. Each day, your team will typically be part of two projects: one in the morning, and one in the afternoon.


What does a general weekly schedule look like?

  • Sunday. Travel day. Arrive and get settled in.

  • Monday - Thursday. Service projects and ministry in the morning and afternoon.

  • Wednesday evening. Free night in Orlando! Enjoy a night off in the city. You will need to purchase your dinner this night.

  • Friday. Travel day; depart for home. OR, for a small cost, stay a full additional night and enjoy an off-day in Orlando. We can also help you get a discounted rate for a day pass to Universal Studios. Contact us for more info!


What does my cost include?​

  • NOTE. If your team wants to stay an additional night to have a full free day in Orlando, we can add on one night for around $30 per person (which would include breakfast). If you'd like to spend your extra day visiting Universal Studios, we can set you up with discounted rates of ~$95 per person (instead of the current rate of $110 per person) if your group size is at least 15 people.

  • Housing. Your team will sleep in dorm style accommodations with access to hot showers and bathrooms.​​

  • Meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided every day! (Exception: Wednesday evening is your free night in Orlando, and you will pay for this meal wherever you choose to go.)

  • T-Shirt. Every participant gets an awesome mission trip t-shirt.

  • Pre-Trip Training Material. We provide training sessions, trip overview documents, assistance from our team of mission trip experts, and communication with in-country missionaries to make sure your group is fully prepared for your trip.

  • Pre, During, and Post-trip Devotionals. This 4-week printed missions journal will help every team member grow and encounter Christ.

Airfare and transportation are not included in the trip cost, but can be taken care of by Servant Life's travel agent if you plan to fly. You may book on your own if you prefer to do so, but we ask to approve the itinerary first. Note also that you do need your own transportation while you are in Orlando, and we can assist with helping you find the best deals for rental cars.

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