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Why Europe?

Europe is Unreached

Most countries in Europe have a population where less than 3% claim a relationship

with Jesus Christ. Many Europeans can go their entire lives never having a Gospel


Europe is Critical

Europe is the intersection of world cultures. Now, the ongoing refugee crisis has brought

the nations to the shores of Europe, making it more critical than ever for believers to

minister in Europe.

Europe Is Ready

The economic, political, and immigration turmoil all around us has laid the foundation for

Europeans to be open to conversations about Jesus Christ.

How can you get involved?

Servant Life partners with missionaries in England, Northern Ireland, and Bulgaria. You can send groups year-round to join our missionaries there.

Teams can serve in the northeast part of England in either Sunderland, Doncaster,

York, or the Tees Valley region. Servant Life teams will be partnered with local churches

and missionaries who are striving to reach the unbelieving and uncommitted, urging

them to consider Christ, to grow and deepen in their faith, and to send them out to

impact the world for Jesus Christ. We do this by working through schools, sports,

community outreach and projects, and servant evangelism. Our team has had

relationships with schools for more than fifteen years and has watched this partnership

blossom in great ways. Some short-term teams will be involved in school ministry, in

which religious education lessons are taught and we have the opportunity to talk about

Scripture and biblical principles. Most teams will be involved in sports ministry, which

utilizes soccer or after-school recreation camps to reach young people and children.

Regarding service projects, a few examples include trash pick-ups and general

cleanups in the community, as well as window washing, bagging groceries, or any other

needs that allow us to show the love of Christ.

In Northern Ireland, your team will be partnered with a local church for the week and

help that church do outreach in the community. This is often accomplished through an

outreach event such as a recreational camp, sports camp, or Bible club. Even in a

sports camp setting, your team would have the opportunity to share Bible lessons and

point students toward the hope of Christ. By doing ministry in conjunction with a local

church partner, your outreach for the week will not only be a catalyst for short-term fruit

and gospel conversations but will also be connected to long-term strategy and ongoing

ministry efforts.

In Bulgaria, Servant Life partners with a group of pastors and Bulgarian nationals and missionaries who oversee a network of 50+ churches and church plants. With only about 2% of the country being Evangelical Christian, there is a deep need for the name of Christ to be known and worshiped. Racial tensions have divided Bulgarians for many years, even among self-proclaimed Christians. The darker-skinned Roma people are looked down on and treated as the lower class of society, forced to live in poverty in the margins of society. Our ministry in Bulgaria has a specific focus in church planting among the Roma people, many of whom are Muslim.


We seek to partner and strengthen with these Bulgarian churches by sharing the hope and love of Christ through many different platforms including children's festivals, food distribution, orphan care, worship services, and Christmas shoe boxes. God is doing great things in Bulgaria and it is exciting to see Muslims turn from their faith and surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Short-term teams have played a tremendous role as a catalyst in these events, and God is changing the hearts of the people in Bulgaria.

However God is calling you to get involved, our team would love to connect and help.

Statistics provided by GEM (Greater Europe Mission)

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