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What is Ramadan? 3 Ways Christians Can Pray During Ramadan

Many of us may have Muslim friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors who we desire to come and know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, not just another prophet. In this season of Ramadan, followers of Jesus Christ have a new timely reminder to pray for them and find new opportunities to engage in spiritual conversations.

What Is Ramadan?

On March 10th, billions of Muslims around the world began their yearly observance of Ramadan.  Ramadan is in the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is considered the holiest month for Muslims. Ramadan is one of the 5 Pillars of the Islamic faith, which requires all Muslims to fast each day of the holiday, from sunrise to sunset.

This time of fasting is intended to purify the soul and refocus one’s devotion to their god, Allah. This is also a time when many Muslims increase their giving to the poor, which is another of the 5 Pillars of their faith. Ramadan commemorates the month Muslims believe the prophet Muhammed was given the first revelation of the Quran.

Each evening after fasting, families and friends join for reflection, a meal, and further reading from the Quran. This year Ramadan concludes, on the evening of Tuesday, April 9th.

3 Ways Christians Can Pray During Ramadan

  1. We can pray that Muslims might know the One True God and through Jesus’ sacrifice they can have eternal life. “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” – John 17:3

  2. We can pray that Muslims see the insufficiency of their worldly works and seek after Jesus Christ and the righteousness only He can bring. “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” – Matthew 26:39

  3. We can pray for opportunities as Believers to proclaim the Gospel to Muslims both at home and abroad. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” – Matthew 28: 18-20

What Next?

Servant Life has several opportunities where you can serve on a short-term mission trip ministering to diverse populations including Muslims. You can learn more on our website at

New York City – Our NYC mission partner focuses on meeting the spiritual, physical, and social needs of the Muslims in their target neighborhoods. At the two ministry centers, they have many classes and services. Their missionaries lead ESL & citizenship classes, computer classes, and youth and teen programs. They also host other special events in the summer and around holidays, which serve as platforms for evangelistic presentations. The next stage of their ministry involves starting small Bible study groups, individual discipleship sessions, and, eventually, church plants among the Muslim converts in New York.

Houston – Your team will be partnered with one of several different churches in the Houston area, many of which are international (such as Korean churches, Vietnamese, Congalese, Hispanic, and various other nationalities).  Your ministry could include opportunities to help with Bible studies in apartment complexes, sports camps, street evangelism, and even opportunities to serve the homeless. You'll get to minister to a very culturally diverse area that includes people from all over the world including Central America, Nigeria, Eritrea, India, the Congo, Mexico, and Korea to name a few. We can also​ build in some time for your group to explore Houston during some free time.

Dallas – Servant Life partners with a local ministry in Dallas serving refugees from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. More than 80,000 refugees and special immigrants are resettled in the United States each year, and Dallas currently hosts more than 200,000 refugees. Many refugees are from non-Christian backgrounds, but most are very open to receiving practical aid and are seeking a message of hope, peace, and good news. Our partner incorporates the gospel message into everything they do. Gospel presentations and Bible lessons are a part of almost every program, event, meeting, and class, and they share this news openly and lovingly to refugees—not once, but daily. We believe that the kind, consistent repetition of the gospel in both word and deed is what God has called us to for His glory. And we trust in His promise that He will call all of His people faithfully to Himself: from every tribe, tongue, and nation. His message is not just for a few but for the nations!

Toronto – Toronto has become one of the most multicultural cities in the world and continues to become increasingly post-Christian, creating a huge need for Christian influence and ministry. 97% of the nearly 8 million population in the GTA are lost and do not know Jesus Christ as Lord. Since these churches operate in a culture that is not generally inclined toward Christian teachings, churches must be very strategic to utilize teams well and engage their communities with the gospel. Servant Life is thrilled for this opportunity to do ministry amongst many different people groups and work alongside local churches to proclaim the gospel of Christ.

Bulgaria – We seek to partner and strengthen with these Bulgarian churches by sharing the hope and love of Christ through many different platforms including children's festivals, food distribution, orphan care, worship services, and Christmas shoe boxes. God is doing great things in Bulgaria and it is exciting to see Muslims turn from their faith and surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Short-term teams have played a tremendous role as a catalyst in these events, and God is changing the hearts of the people in Bulgaria.

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